Monday, March 15, 2010

What Makes You Laugh?

If there's one thing that everyone loves to do it's laugh.  Have you ever met anyone that doesn't like laughing?  If you do, you should probably run away because they definitely aren't the sort you want to be seen with.  Although laughing is something we can all agree on, what makes us laugh is different for everybody.  Here are a few things that make me laugh.

1. Tosh.O - If you haven't seen this show on Comedy Central, you haven't fully appreciated internet video.  Ever wonder if a bear shits in the woods?  Tosh knows the answer to that one.  He also gives those stupid people who make an ass of themselves on YouTube, a chance to redeem themselves. 

2. When celebrities take themselves too seriously - Lindsay Lohan somehow believes she has single-name recognition.  Obviously she has an inflated sense of self-worth.  Somebody needs to take her down a notch.  Seeing her get so upset over her own made-up parody of herself is hilarious.

3.  Confused People - Seeing someone so confused that they really don't know what to say or do is one of the most entertaining things ever.  Why else do you think people purposely try to give over-elaborate directions to a place just up the road?  Try answering a question with a statement so ridiculous that it can't be immediately understood by the human brain.  You can almost see the gears turning in their head.  It's only funny up to a point though - after that it just gets sad.

4. People who think they have a sense of style - Spending a lot of money on your look doesn't mean you automatically look good.  Also, just because Lady Gaga looks good in something doesn't mean you should try it.  As a matter of fact, no one can wear what she wears - not even her.

5.  A slap to the face - "What did the five fingers say to the face? Slap!" Classic.  It is funnier if a guy is doing the slapping.  That turns a genuine argument into silliness the moment that happens.  The more random the slap, the better.

6.  Random nudity - The human body can be beautiful but if you aren't expecting it, that's when it becomes interesting.  A guy walks out of his apartment with no pants on - as long as there aren't children around, it's hilarious.  Bonus points if he is old or ugly.

7.  Stuttering - I know that it isn't right to make fun of people with genuine disabilities, but someone that stutters is hard NOT to laugh at.  Unless of course the stutterer just happens to be the customer service rep that you got stuck with. 

8.  A trailer with an Escalade parked out front - Or pretty much any display of disproportionate wealth.  A guy who owns a 52" plasma screen TV but uses old milk crates as a bookshelf really needs to reassess his priorities.

9.  Augusten Burroughs - Despite the messed up things that happened to him he still manages to write autobiographies that'll make you laugh.  Running with Scissors is his best work in my opinion.  If you haven't read any of his stuff, you should check it out.

10. Laughter - Laughter is contagious.  I have no doubt about that.  As sure as I'll vomit if I see someone else do it, I'll laugh if someone else is laughing.  I don't even have to know what they're laughing about.  I'll laugh anyway.

What do you think is funny?


Unknown said...

I think you know me well enough by now to know what I think is the funniest. People getting hurt. I don't mean innocent people getting shot or mugged or hit by a car. I'm talking about people that had it coming or should have known better. Example: The Youtube video of the guy that attempts to shotgun a can of beer, while being tasered. Another example: There's a guy. And this guy's 'thing' is doing backflips off of crap. Only in this Youtube video, he doesn't complete the flip off of a vending machine, breaks his toes, knees and then face. And this video was of his second attempt after recovering from his ill-fated first attempt.

RocknRollGourmet said...

Eddie Izzard. I wish I could watch his "Dress to Kill" special for the first time again. It made me laugh so hard I cried at times.
Unfortunately he's become rather redundant in all his subsequent routines. But he's still a smart comedian, and I like that.

Melissa's Espresso Shot said...

John - I thought about putting the people getting hurt bit in there but it required too many qualifying statements.

Rock - I like Eddie Izzard but I'll have to watch "Dress to Kill". I don't remember it off the top of my head.

Sarrestia said...

Just like you really shouldn't laugh at someone with a stutter, you shouldn't laugh at a guy who gets hit in the balls. Sorry guys, it is just too freakin' funny. A ball, or any object, flies and lands solid in some poor guys groin region and he is down, folded over on the ground whimpering. I know I shouldn't laugh cause there is pain involved, but I just can't help it; every time, I laugh.

Melissa's Espresso Shot said...

Sarrestia -
I'm glad women don't have anything similar. Getting hit in the ovaries comes with a whole different set of problems.

Old Goat said...

Coitus, futility, satire, hyperbole, and any combination of these.