Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Stop procreating!

Babies are everywhere!  Or is it just me?  Maybe my biological clock is ticking but it seems everywhere I look there are babies or children or pregnant ladies.  Where are all these children coming from?  We continue to procreate as if the world has inexhaustible resources.  Will we reach a time when there is no longer room on this planet for all these people?  How will we handle this?  You can't exactly tell people they can no longer have kids.  I realize I'm asking a bunch of questions with no answers.  So I'd better start formulating some answers.  In my theoretical future where we have no more room for people, here are some things that are likely to happen:

-- Mandatory birth control pills for women AND men.  A couple can only have one child (multiple births for one pregnancy is ok), so once they've had that one kid they're back on the pill.  Unmarried men and women can have a child, but the same rule applies to them - only one child.

-- Selection of satisfactory parents by the government.  If you don't meet the standard then you ain't procreating (use of the word "ain't" will be acceptable in the future).

-- Must I even mention abortion?  I think I'll stay out of this hornet's nest.  Let's just say that we will really be in rough shape if forced abortions start happening.

-- Wait until after the child is born then determine if he will positively contribute to society.  Let's give 'em til the age of 12.  If they aren't contributing by then - they don't have to die but they can't stay on Earth.

-- Most likely however our human tendency towards conquering places and things will lead us to annex other planets and/or asteroids.  We will continue to procreate as normal, but we will have to start leaving the Earth when it gets too crowded.

-- We may never get to that point and instead we will kill ourselves off, in part or the whole, either through war or destroying the environment.

All this sounds great huh?  No.  It sucks.  The only future I can see that is the least bit pleasant would be one modeled after Star Trek. That falls under the annexing new territory bit, but Star Trek makes it look not so Imperialistic.  It's a lot better too when you find other planets that already support life rather than having to terraform it.  That Genesis thing didn't look easy to build.

Even taking all this into consideration humanity isn't going to stop procreating any time soon.  All of us want to contribute a little bit of ourselves to the world.  I know that someday I'll end up having a kid.  It's human nature that compels us to do it after all. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm trying this out on my husband's computer to see if this pop-up window format fixed the problem of people not being able to comment. I hope this works!