Monday, April 5, 2010


As I've recently gotten back into playing WOW (World of Warcraft for all you non-players out there), I've once again been amazed at the sheer number of people who play this game.  I don't want to over-generalize and say that anyone who plays this game is a loser and has no life (after all, I play this game and like to think I have a life).  There is definitely a large majority of WOW players that fall into this category though.  I've only been playing for a few days and already I see some of the same players on here day after day no matter what time I log in.  What kind of life do these people lead? 

I don't so much have a problem with those players who have a real job and choose to play WOW in their free time after work and on the weekends, unless of course they have kids.  Spending that much time online when you have kids that need your attention is just asking for trouble.  Unless you're kid is sitting beside you playing in the same guild as you, in which case you have a whole new set of problems.  The people I really worry about are those that don't seem to have a job and are online playing WOW ALL THE TIME.  How do they survive?  Who brings them food and pays the rent?  Who pays for their computer and internet bills?  And also, how can normal players like me compete with WOW addicts like that?  The answer: we can't.  So we log out and go on with our real lives.

It's sad that there is actually a thing called WOW addiction and sites like WOW detox out there for people who want a support group.  If you are questioning whether or not you are a WOW addict you can take the WOW addict quiz but  chances are, if you asked that question then you probably are addicted.  There are numerous sites out there for those seeking advice on how to quit.  Here's my advice: cancel your subscription, remove the game from your computer, and find something else to do!  If you can't manage just playing a few hours a week or just on the weekends then you shouldn't be around a computer at all.

Then again, I shouldn't be surprised that there are people out there like this.  Numerous run-ins with them in-game show me the caliber of individuals I'm dealing with.  A few days ago, while online questing I had another player stalk me and continuously challenge me to a duel while simultaneously goading me on and cussing me out.  He continued doing this for over 30 minutes while I went about my business.  Why play online if you aren't actually going to play and instead decide to follow someone else around?  My husband got online and started messaging him when the guy asked him "umadbraw?".  WTF? Who talks like that?  This quote is now a running joke we have when we just want to sound retarded.  I'd like to think this guy was just a bored teenager but chances are he was probably a fifty-something, overweight, ugly, grown man with no social skills.  Perhaps it's better if these people just stay home and play online games.  The world may be better without them.


Unknown said...

It was probably, our dear friend Donnie H. III, taking his moment to get back you at for the way we've treated him for so long.

But seriously, WOW addiction affects all of us in one way or another... er wait, no it doesn't. I know what it's like to try and just enjoy something and have some asshole just fucking with you the whole time. I wish there was a way that you could bar them from interacting with you.

Alex said...

I like to think that World of Warcraft and stuff like that are just honeypots that help thin out the gene pool by attracting and then trapping those people who shouldn't be reproducing in the first place.

But yeah, I wish there was a way to bar idiots like that, too.

explodingzero said...

Try the /ignore I have a ton of people on my list. I have a pretty solid group of reasonably sane people I play with (and have for years.) Outside of that group it's anything goes really. It doesn't take much to report abuse either. Constant heckling and abusive behavior can be addressed and people can get banned for it.

Melissa's Espresso Shot said...

You're right explodingzero, I ignored him at first but he kept hanging around anyway. Then I reported him. Nothing would irk a WOW addict more than being banned from the game, so hopefully that guy toned down his douchebagness....probably not tough.