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Sunday, April 18, 2010
Oh My Blog Award Drunk Post
So the Rock 'n' Roll gourmet bestowed upon me the Oh My Blog award on Friday and I've just gotten around to writing my post. I know, I'm horrible. When accepting this award you must do one of the following:
1. Take a photo of yourself first thing in the morning (no brushing of the hair, putting on proper clothes, etc)
2. Blog while exceedingly drunk for 15 minutes
3. Write about your most embarrassing moment
4. Make a vlog a.k.a. a video blog
5. Share the soundtrack of your childhood
You know I'm picking number two...
So, you must forgive me if this post is about nothing at all other than my drunken ramblings. And also forgive any grammatical errors and such. I have no shame in this as I know nobody reads this anyway.
My drink of choice isn't hard liquor or beer or any of that cool stuff, but instead is a bottle of Port. So you see the level of dorkdom I'm dealing with. I personally see nothing wrong with getting drunk off of a dessert wine, but I'm sure most of you will so just don't knock it til you've tried it. I don't know if I qualify as "exceedingly drunk" yet but I'm finding it hard to type so it's now or never. It's been forever since I've gotten drunk so this was the perfect excuse. You'd think that after being unemployed for a few months I'd at least enjoy myself.
Speaking of which, I'm going to be starting work again in about a month. They offered me a position starting May 3rd but I want to move at the same time as my husband so we have to wait until mid May. I so need to start working again to feel like a human being. Being unemployed sucks. There's only so much housework, Rock Band, WOW, and doting on the pets that I can stand. Speaking of which, my puppy is freakin cute.
It took me like forever to get that picture of him. Partly because he was excited and partly because I'm drunk and couldn't figure out how to get the picture from my phone to my blog expeditiously. (yeah big word!!!)
I'm really not a very clever blogger when I'm drug. All I want to talk about is what I like and what I don't like. I like my puppy, my hubby, wine, Family Guy, and computers. This was in no way influenced by the fact that all this was within my sight while writing this. Okay, it is perhaps a bit biased. Something I hate, that freaking Ford commercial they play all the time. It's a local commercial that I tried to find, but forgot the name of the dealership already so instead I decided to post this:
Ha! Freaking hilarious and slightly annoying, but mostly hilarious. I like a guy that can make fun of himself. That's why I married my husband. I would insert embarrassing photo or funny story here, but he might never forgive me. And I don't want to piss him off yet. I still want to have his children. And I'm sure our bi-racial children will be exceedingly beautiful and hopefully not as retarded as either one of us.
Okay my fifteen minutes are up and I'm sure this is fifteen minutes of your life you are sad you'll never get back. Sorry. Now on to watch videos that I remember being funny back when I was stoned in college.
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And I am a big port drinker as well. My favorite for home drinking is Graham's Six Grape blend. Mmm...
You forgot to pass it along!
Unfortunately the last award I "passed along" didn't get picked up by any of the three people I picked! I guess they just aren't interested in this sort of thing. Or maybe I need to widen my blog reading horizons to include more people I can pass this along to.
Hmmm...well, I just passed another blog award on to you!
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